
Posts Tagged ‘lockdown’


In General on August 2, 2020 at 9:45 am

I’m 50. There’s talk of people over the age of 50 going into mandatory lockdown should things get worse.

My mum has been in a care home since her fall at the end of the year, about to go home for the first time since Christmas.

Am I allowed to see my mum?

There are talk of bubbles and groups of people you can meet. We have nobody in our bubble, I’m not entirely sure what a bubble should be, or who a bubble should be. Do we have our own exclusive bubble, and that’s it, or do we have several bubbles?

H was in a class bubble at school. That meant she was with the same people through the day, and walked home with them. But if she bumped into someone who wasn’t in her bubble while walking home, that was okay. I think, because they were outside. But I don’t know if that’s one of the rules.

When we go back to see my mum, I can’t go into the house. That’s fine, we can sit in the garden. However, should I choose to enter an establishment which involves paying for something, and my mum does too, we can both be inside, as long as we don’t sit together.

My mum is 75. We have no guidance whatsoever about what sort of shielding she should be doing. She had pneumonia earlier this year, and doesn’t really understand. I’ve insisted she keeps away from areas which might put her at risk, and that she has a face mask. It doesn’t feel like enough.

We’re staying in AirBnb’s on our upcoming break. We can’t stay at my mum’s (as we can’t go inside the house) which is fine. Each host has an excellent rating, and we’re looking forward to going away. However, what happens if an area we’re visiting goes into lockdown? Are we meant to stay at the AirBnb or are we meant to go home? What would Cummings do? Barnard Castle isn’t that much further up the road…

So yeah, confusion is still with us, thanks to the unclear messages from the Government. I’ve read the guidelines and it’s still as clear as mud.

Anyway, I need to lose some of my weight gained in lockdown. I’m going to make the most of all those half price takeaways in the local junk food shops like McDonalds. Ummm.