Every single post I’ve made here or imported here from elsewhere is private now. H is of an age where it’s hilarious to Google things, especially what her mum has written about her for the past twelve or so years. (she’s ten but there’s all the pregnancy stuff in there too)
So maybe for now we’ll just concentrate on parenting rather than achievements – after all, she’s ten now, and the kind of achievements she’d get wouldn’t be the sort you’d write a blog about.
“Congratulations! You have 100% attendance this term” yaaawwwn.
I’m thinking there should be parenting achievements really. “Congratulations, you got your child to school on time all year” or “Congratulations, they handed in their homework on time thanks to your nagging” or something along those lines. “Congratulations, you made it through Junior School and only joined three PTA’s”.
It was all going so swimmingly well, plenty of learning, plenty of social things going on and then of course it all stopped. The 2020 Lockdown. It has thrown something of a wobble to H’s last years of Primary School, with her not at all keen to complete it (she’s doing fine at home and has to work, just like I do). After hearing reports from other parents who have sent their kids back, being kept in your little bubble and kept from socialising with other kids is going to make for a very weird end to your time in a school.
We’ve opted not to send her back – for now.
This has resulted in a love of baking. Oh my, the baked goods. We’ve had cookies, peppermint creams, scones and she’s currently looking into doing some Ramadan confectionery (ticking off a section for one of her Guide badges in the process).
My parenting skills seem to be practical things like making sure we have clean clothes and cleaning the bathroom. Shaun is looking after almost every aspect of cooking, H does whatever she does. We have not yet run out of food, though we’re low on our yeast supply.
So yeah, let’s try this again. We’re doing okay, it’s going okay and I’m going to create certificates to present to myself. Or maybe at a push, a rosette. I did create a gold award for anyone in the office who accidentally presses ‘reply to all’ on a company-wide email, so it’s not *that* hard….